Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Discombobulating Effect Of The Jewish Holidays

Because of all of the Jewish holidays of the past three weeks, my schedule has gone to pot. I haven’t hit my regular 12-step meetings, I haven’t done as much 12-step work on my own, and I’ve missed a ton … Continue reading

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LAT: Two Jews slain in Jerusalem’s Old City amid stepped-up violence

There will never be peace in Israel as long as Jews and Muslims live next to each other. An Israel with no Muslims in it would be a safer and happier place for Jews just as an America free of … Continue reading

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Teach Them Young

Miriam Lilian D Or writes: I remember as a kid I got in trouble for not wanting to play with a black doll. I don’t know why I had a black doll, but I was forced to play with it … Continue reading

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WP: Born that way? ‘Scientific’ racism is creeping back into our thinking. Here’s what to watch out for.

From the comments on * Thanks for today’s installment of “Spot the Logical Fallacies in a WaPo Article”! * It’s generally found that psychometric scores are highest in East Asia and lower in Africa. These trends seem to show … Continue reading

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David Bernstein: “Mondoweiss” is a hate site

Anyone who hurls slurs like “hate site” immediately loses the argument. Once you call your opponent a Nazi (when that is not accurate), you lose, and this is effectively what David Bernstein is doing here. People who use the slur … Continue reading

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