Monthly Archives: October 2015

Feminist Gets Pumped And Dumped By PUA

From the Chateau: A masochistic reader (you’d have to be in love with your own pain to read any of the yeasty discharges fouling up Jizzabel) sent along this turgid confessional from a feminist who got banged out by a … Continue reading

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Men Will Man Up When Women Man Down

From the Chateau: Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education and Drug Czar, correctly identifies and laments the declining fortunes of men… The data does not bode well for men. In 1970, men earned 60% of all college degrees. In 1980, … Continue reading

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A Woman In Love

From the Chateau: When men get into comfortable relationships, what normally happens is a slackening of the masculine drive to excel. There is even scientific evidence for this; after marriage, men in a variety of occupations — science, math, business … Continue reading

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The Dark Truth About Buying Women Gifts

I’ve never had a good result from buying a woman a gift less than three months into a relationship. It always has lowered my value in her eyes. From the Chateau: On a number of blogs and websites covering the … Continue reading

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Why Alimony Must End

From the Chateau: A girl pal was telling me about the uncle of one of her friends. His wife had left him, moved way out of state, and met some new guy who became her live-in boyfriend. Get this: the … Continue reading

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