Monthly Archives: October 2015

Why Libertarians Embrace Open Borders

From the Chateau: A core principle of libertarianism is the free movement of labor. On paper, this principle sounds admirable, even workable. That damned paper! Libertarians would have to betray a lot of what they believe in to accept that … Continue reading

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Seduction Is The Weaving Of Lies

From the Chateau: Seduction is the masterful weaving of gossamer lies — manufactured drama purposefully designed to excite the female sensory system, in which both you and her are active and aware participants in the game. The logic of telling … Continue reading

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Phrenology Is Legit: Wide-Faced Men Are Untrustworthy

From the Chateau: Researchers spanning many scientific domains, including primatology, evolutionary biology and psychology, have sought to establish an evolutionary basis for morality. While researchers have identified social and cognitive adaptations that support ethical behaviour, a consensus has emerged that … Continue reading

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Women Prefer Dominant Men

From the Chateau: Chicks dig male power, and power is a catch-all word encompassing the variety of dominance displaying avenues that men pursue to attract women. Large men who can beat other men in fights are dominant. Captains of industry … Continue reading

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Leaving Her Better Than You Found Her? Not Likely

From the Chateau: It’s a common admonition from pickup artists that you should leave a girl better than you found her. I suppose mainstream PUAs (well, as mainstream as PUA gurus can get) say this to soften the perception that … Continue reading

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