Monthly Archives: October 2015

If Islam Is So Wonderful?

I do not know of a country that has become more Muslim and more free. A friend says: “The lands are not ruled by Islam. Some countries (Saudi Arabia and Iran) claim to follow Islamic law (Sharia) but the countries … Continue reading

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Dreaming Of Hard Work

I had a boss who said: “I don’t think you dream of hard work. There’s not tear in your eye when you think about missing work. I’m just curious about that reverie you had. You take four days off for … Continue reading

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The West

What does it say about Western weakness that they allow emigres to take over their culture? Jews would never allow gentiles to control culture and media in the Jewish state. I found the documentary Hollywoodism painful to watch. For Orthodox … Continue reading

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WP: Why you shouldn’t be surprised that prisoners crushed Harvard’s debate team

From the Washington Post: Last month, a debate team of three inmates with violent criminal records defeated a team of three Harvard University undergraduates. It sounds like an underdog story plucked from the pages of a yet unwritten Walt Disney … Continue reading

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It Is Good To Kill Your Enemies

Brad in Jerusalem posts to FB: On Rosh Hashanah night, many Jews around the world partake in the simanei milsa or “good omens” for the coming year. One of these good omens is “May it be G-d’s will that our … Continue reading

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