Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Costs Of Immigration

Jason Richwine writes: A recurring theme of my writing is that, first, immigration has both benefits and costs, and, second, that the costs are systematically downplayed by immigration boosters. For example, back in the spring I wrote about the fiscal … Continue reading

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Political Debates Ignore The Facts

Jason Richwine writes: Do teachers earn less than the minimum wage? When “teaching hours” are quantified, one may argue that teachers’ salaries are adequate for the hours they work. But I can attest that if anyone ever quantified the hours … Continue reading

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Why do more U.S. women study abroad than men?

Washington Post: Nearly 300,000 U.S. college students will study abroad this year…65 percent of students leaving the United States will be women…The St. Lawrence Kenya program is one of the oldest study abroad programs in Africa and more than 70 … Continue reading

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Michael Lewis Profiles Tom Wolfe For Vanity Fair

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Wolfe will remain a despised and mocked (poorly reviewed) figure by our elites for having the temerity to a) notice what was really going on during the catastrophic 60s and 70s , and b) portraying … Continue reading

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Forward: It’s Not Quite a Third Intifada — Yet

J.J Goldberg writes: The ostensible reason for the violence is a widespread belief among Palestinians that Israel intends to change the status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and create a Jewish religious presence there, a desecration to many Muslims. The … Continue reading

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