Monthly Archives: October 2015

Bryan Caplan: They (Goyim) Scare Me

Jewish economist Bryan Caplan writes out the reasons many perhaps most Jews instinctively revolt against living in a dominant Christian culture (does Caplan want Israel to cease being a Jewish state?): What would happen if Mormons were a solid majority … Continue reading

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On Tinder, Off Sex

Ali Rachel Pearl writes for the New York Times: My friends don’t seem to understand my secondary abstinence. They ask if I’ve had sex yet. “How can you go so long?” they ask. “I can’t imagine.” They say: “You have … Continue reading

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Worse Than Rape

David Goldman writes: The body of a 20-year-old Syrian woman, “Rokstan M.,” was unearthed from a shallow grave in the small Saxon town of Dessau last week. Her father and brothers stabbed her to death on her mother’s orders, after … Continue reading

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Are The Goyim Going Off The Reservation?

I thought we controlled this thing of ours. I thought Trump was just a summer phenomenon. Why isn’t everyone lining behind someone Sheldon Adelson can control? Chaim Amalek: “Also, this paradox: the more diverse the country gets, the greater the … Continue reading

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LA’s Most Interesting Rabbi

From the Kavvanah blog: How does one combine the works of Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins with the teachings of Rav Hershel Schachter? How does Dr. Phil and Marianne Williamson become part of the right wing of Modern Orthodoxy? In … Continue reading

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