Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Strange Case of Anna Stubblefield

Why does it feel like there are a disproportionate number of Jews in every form of societal insanity (as well as brilliance)? Oy. Is this lady good for the Jews? From the New York Times: She told the family of … Continue reading

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Republicans Are The White Party

Steve Sailer writes: Maintaining a Coalition of the Fringes isn’t easy, especially when the most colorful and entitled-feeling element in the coalition are African-Americans. The Democrats have benefited from positioning the Republicans as the White Party while stirring up anti-white … Continue reading

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Arab: If Israel disappears, others will too

An Arab writes: Since 1948, we Arabs have been taught that all we need to do is get rid of the Jewish state, and ‎everything else will go well after that. Our dictators took full advantage of this idea. Egyptian … Continue reading

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Bridge Of Spies

Steve Sailer writes: Almost three years ago, the Academy Awards gave the Best Picture Oscar to Ben Affleck’s Iranian hostage drama Argo to encourage making more medium-budget movies for grown-ups. Bridge of Spies, Steven Spielberg’s Cold War film about the … Continue reading

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Would I Give Up Blogging For A Wife?

Luke: I don’t think I could take you coming every week, I’d be too jealous of your celebrity. Friend: We are both celebrities in our own worlds. FYI, I’m not enjoying your Twitter style retweeting on fb. Don’t be such … Continue reading

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