Monthly Archives: October 2015

Steve Sailer: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: Mexico’s Hurricane Patricia

Steve Sailer writes: A big hurricane is headed toward the mountainous west coast of Mexico, so don’t be surprised if the Obama Administration subsequently invites into the United States a lot of Mexicans. As I wrote in Taki’s Magazine in … Continue reading

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WP: What happened to the ‘hero mom’ of Baltimore’s riots?

Washington Post: BALTIMORE — The most famous mom in Baltimore is uneasy. It is noon on a Wednesday, and she is six hours into her shift driving addicts from a halfway house to a treatment center. She has only made … Continue reading

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$240,000 jury award to Muslim truck drivers who were fired for refusing to transport alcohol

Eugene Volokh writes: One more data point on the “When does your religion legally excuse you from doing part of your job?” question — like it or not, under American law, employers sometimes do have to excuse employees from tasks … Continue reading

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It’s All God!

* Trying to justify my behavior, I just said, “It’s all HaShem” but all he heard was “It’s a shame.” Darren: “Or it’s a sham.”

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The Rape Of Sweden

Paul Ciotti: “I suspect the government and the media in Sweden give a hard time to people who protest rape by newly arrived immigrants. It’s probably similar to the way the government and the media here go after people who … Continue reading

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