Daily Archives: September 30, 2015

How Can The USA Protect Itself From Flash Mobs Of Illegal Immigrants?

Steve Sailer writes: There are currently 418 million people in South America, and the U.N. says there will be 510 million by midcentury. What are the odds that at some point something will go wrong in Latin America that interested … Continue reading

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The Misguided Advocates of Open Borders

Frank Salter writes in 2010: The poor quality of analysis behind Australia’s abandonment of traditional assimilationist immigration policy reached its apotheosis recently in a spate of articles by well placed commentators. The proposal of the moment was open borders, immigration … Continue reading

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Take the Russian Gift Horse’s gift and run like hell to North America

Michael Scheuer writes: One has to be amazed at the number of chances to save itself that America keeps encountering and refusing to grasp and exploit in the Arab world. We were safely out of Iraq when Obama and the … Continue reading

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