Daily Archives: September 24, 2015

Republican Consultants

Comments to Steve Sailer: * God, these consultants are the greatest waste of space on this planet. You watch them on TV the last 3 months, and every day they’re talking about how Trump is going to be done after … Continue reading

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How Many Immigrants Should America Take?

Paul Ciotti writes: “The pope wants us to welcome immigrants as pilgrims. That’s fine. The U.S. has welcomed more immigrants than any other country in the world. I wish he would put a number on it though. We currently have … Continue reading

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A Cause We Can All Get Behind


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Jews Against Themselves

Gabriel Schoenfeld writes: J Street is an organization that describes itself as “pro-Israel” and proclaims itself “devoted and committed to Israel’s future.” Yet, as Edward Alexander observes in an important new book, J Street “misses no opportunities to blacken Israel’s … Continue reading

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Racism Is Wonderful

Tito Perdue comments at The Telegraph: Racism is a wonderful institution that should be rejuvenated and inculcated in schools. It is the last barrier to global homogenization, and represents the default position of 99% of humanity over 99% of historical … Continue reading

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