Daily Archives: September 23, 2015

Commentary Magazine: The GOP Is Killing Itself

I love how Donald Trump sorts out the good guys (those who care about preserving America as a nation with strong borders) from the bad guys (the open borders Republican establishment, Democrats, media, Jewish activists, Catholic activists, mainstream Protestant activists, … Continue reading

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On Eve of Yom Kippur, Ann Coulter Still Unrepentant for ‘F—ing Jews’ Tweet

Ann Coulter is going to be just fine. I love it that she hasn’t backed down. Maybe other political commentators will grow some balls and give criticism to other protected groups? From Algemeiner: On the eve of Yom Kippur, the … Continue reading

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Salon: Ann Coulter unleashes her nativist fury on Pope Francis and Catholics: “This is why our founders distrusted Catholics”

Salon.com: As Pope Francis paid a visit to the White House this morning, opening his remarks to 11,000 ticketed guests by noting that immigrants helped build the United States of America, the conservative flamethrower greeted His Holiness with a series … Continue reading

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Why Donald Trump Troubles The Republican Establishment

Ann Coulter writes: A majority of elected Republicans, their advisers, conservative magazines and newspapers are nothing but junior partners to the left. They go on TV and repeat prepackaged conventional wisdom, hoping to get at least a small ovation. Trump … Continue reading

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