Daily Archives: September 20, 2015

When Beta Males Go On A Shooting Spree

From Chateau Heartiste: If you can’t get laid at a nursing school with probably the most favorable female-male ratio on the planet, you have serious issues to work out. Half of game is just being where the women are, and … Continue reading

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Should You Call Out A Girl’s Bad Behavior?

From Chateau Heartiste: Early in the seduction process, before you have cemented the bond with a few nights of…, stern paternal rebukes, however much delivered from a position of non-neediness, will turn girls off. A girl will never — I … Continue reading

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Flirting With Women

From Chateau Heartiste: Flirting with women ties into the whole alpha male philosophy of not taking girls seriously. Treating women’s idle politeness like a sounding board for you to amp up… When you are flippant with women, they sense that … Continue reading

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Women Let Themselves Go When They Marry

From Chateau Heartiste: What advantage accrues a man who decides to cohabit instead of marry? Well, for one (and it’s a BIG one), women tend to let themselves go once they’ve extracted marital vows from their men. Here’s a referenced … Continue reading

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Delusions About Male Sexuality

From Chateau Heartiste: In a story about the Secret Service agents and the Colombian whore with the fake tits, I was thrown by this jarring editorial commentary that was inserted after a quote attributed to one of the agents: “I … Continue reading

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