Daily Archives: September 7, 2015

I Wish I Was A Syrian Refugee

I wish I were a Syrian muslim living in Germany or Sweden. My life would be so easy if I were. All my worries would be at an end. And if I saw a pretty woman I wanted to take, … Continue reading

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American Rabbi: Europe must accept immigration swamping

John Graham writes in 2011: Thanks to Jewamongyou’s Blog for drawing my attention to a classic: In Paris, Muslim and Jewish leaders pledge to stand together against the rise of extreme-rightist parties, European Jewish Press 09/Mar/2011 PARIS (EJP)—Prominent Muslim and … Continue reading

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Obama, Immigration, and the Bible

Rabbi Aryeh Spero writes in 2014: In his Executive Order speech defending what most consider outright amnesty for five million illegal immigrants, President Obama cited the biblical verse in Exodus: “Thou shalt not afflict the stranger (22:20)”. There is no … Continue reading

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What is the Jewish perspective on the illegal immigration crisis in Israel?

Link: The Torah commands us to care for the foreigners and immigrants among us. Does that extend to illegal immigrants? Is it right to send them back, as is happening now, or are we obligated to take them in and … Continue reading

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Durbin, Cupich to discuss immigration reform at Temple Jeremiah

Link: “Immigration is an issue very close to the Jewish people. In our congregation, the vast majority of us are immigrants or descendants of immigrants,” Cohen said. “We feel an obligation as Jews who have experienced the blessings of welcome, … Continue reading

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