Monthly Archives: September 2015

Jews & Women

For the past 2600 years (until recently), most Jews have lived as a minority in Gentiles countries. They’ve kept alive their tradition by constantly contrasting what is Jewish with what is goyish. When Jews say something is goyish, that’s never … Continue reading

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Should the Holocaust be the Moral Prism for all Questions About Diversity?

Steve Sailer writes: Muslim Mass Migration: Is It Good for the Jews? With Muslim terrorists committing anti-Semitic massacres in France and Denmark earlier this year, and Middle Eastern and African youths routinely harassing Jews on the street in European cities, … Continue reading

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Petraeus And The Infidelity Risk Curve

Chateau Heartiste: Tossing men and women together in the workplace is a recipe for dissolving marriages, sexually dispossessing beta males, and corraling women under the banner of a few industry captain alpha males. Men and women in a putatively monogamous … Continue reading

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Some practical applications of HBD

Link: 1. Immigration restriction. You need a certain number of high IQ people to keep a First World society going. 2. An end to affirmative action. Minority underperformance is not due to racism, so affirmative action is grossly unfair. 3. … Continue reading

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A Woman’s Walk Reveals Her Sex Life

REPORT: A new study reveals women who have orgasms walk differently from women who don’t – and you won’t believe what gives it all away! As Fashion Week opens in New York City, those fabulous super models may be showing … Continue reading

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