Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Settler: A Chat With Orit Arfa

Varda Epstein writes: It’s ten years since Israel, under late prime minister Ariel Sharon, expelled over 11,000 Jews from their homes in Gaza and parts of Samaria. The government called this plan the “Disengagement.” But for those forcibly ejected from … Continue reading

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cries About Israel, Backs Iran Deal

REPORT: The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. “There’s nothing that’s more important to me, as a Jew, than … Continue reading

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What Is Israel’s Foreign Policy?

For centuries, England has used a foreign policy of sliding alliances to play continental rivals off against each other. Israel seems to be playing a similar game. “Israeli foreign policy is to balkanise the Middle East into as many sectarian … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Has anyone ever asked the President if the main result of his Libya policy, the current Camp of the Saints in the Mediterranean, strikes him as a bug … or as a feature?’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We are living at a decision point that is every bit as consequential, if not more so, as any in the last century. Western culture has voted for hedonism, self-righteousness, and for demographic and cultural … Continue reading

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The Racial Reality of Policing

A former New York City police detective writes for the WSJ: I don’t understand how a movement called “Black Lives Matter” can ignore the leading cause of death among young black men in the U.S., which is homicide by their … Continue reading

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