Monthly Archives: September 2015

NYT: Migrant Tide Bringing Out Europe’s Best and Worst

So let me guess, what is Europe’s best is welcoming Islamic and African immigration? NYT: “BERLIN — Thousands of volunteers have heeded calls to help the stream of migrants arriving in Europe in recent days, cheering them at train stations … Continue reading

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WaPo: “Flood of Asylum Seekers Could Help Defuse a Demographic Time Bomb”

“Refugee helping host society defuse demographic time bomb (too bad about Martin Richard, age 8, but as Stalin, or maybe The Economist, said: you can’t defuse a demographic time bomb without blowing up a few Little Leaguers)”

Posted in Europe, Germany, Immigration | Comments Off on WaPo: “Flood of Asylum Seekers Could Help Defuse a Demographic Time Bomb”

JTA: Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees

Nowhere in this story do I hear these pious Jewish leaders expressing concern about what a flood of Muslims into Europe will do to Europeans. All I hear is concern for the refugees and concern for Jews. But what about … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Immigration, Islam, Jews, Syria | Comments Off on JTA: Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees

Rabbi Reuven Bulka Wants To Help Syrian Migrants Get A New Life In Canada

REPORT: “What we have here is a wellspring of positive energy that this committee hopes, with the help of the mayor as leader, to harness and to be ready when the avalanche comes of refugees coming here,” Rabbi Reuven Bulka … Continue reading

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British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

There’s not a word in the following article about Israel. Apparently, it is fine with the Jewish elites of Britain for the Jewish state to act in its self-interest by not taking in Islamic migrants who hate it. Apparently, it … Continue reading

Posted in England, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Jews, Syria, Whites | Comments Off on British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration