Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners

John J. Mearsheimer is widely regarded as the most important political scientist in America today. I respect his work. Yet his prediction and prescription for Israel in this 2010 talk bewilders me. Regrettably, the two-state solution is now a fantasy. … Continue reading

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Fallout (2013)

Helen Caldicott says in this documentary: “America was testing atmospheric bombs in Nevada and they only did it when the wind blew east over the Mormon population because they knew the Mormons were so patriotic, they would never complain.” You … Continue reading

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SEE IT: High school cheerleader dance-off turns nasty as brawl erupts between rivals

NYDailyNews: A brawl erupted between two [black] high school cheerleading teams after a impromptu dance-off turned nasty. The fight between Wilmer Hutchins Blue Bells and James Madison Trojanettes drill teams in Dallas happened after the football game ended last Friday. … Continue reading

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America’s Broke Politicians

Comments to Steve Sailer: * They don’t actually write those books, do they? Aren’t they all ghostwritten by hired writers? Their speeches are all written for them and consultants decide what their opinions are supposed to be. Most of our … Continue reading

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Prop. 187 Debate: No Tolerance but Abundant Anger

George Ramos writes for the Los Angeles Times Oct. 10, 1994: There wasn’t any tolerance the other night at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance. Only petty narrow-mindedness held sway. The center, in conjunction with Occidental College, opened its … Continue reading

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