Monthly Archives: September 2015

Japanese Doing Things Right

Link: * Even Japanese floodwaters are crystal clear and have no debris in them. Japan is really a terrible bland homogenous society, even their subways and flood waters are so boring! * Japanese are defunding potential traitors by abolishing the … Continue reading

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Transgender vs. Lesbian Live Debate

Link: Cracks in the KKK crazy glue of the demographic fringes. A Cisgender Lesbian woman clashes with a World War T. The Cisgender Lesbo believes that World War Ts are trying to hijack the Lesbian movement and are invading Lesbian … Continue reading

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Florida Jew Poses As Online Jihadi

REPORT: The FBI arrested a 20-year-old American Jewish man for posing as an Islamic State extremist, calling for terrorist attacks, claiming to be planning attacks in Australia and the United States, and providing information on bomb construction to a second … Continue reading

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London’s Mayoral Race

Link: The next mayoral race for London will feature a tow-headed half-Jew, married to a Rothschild, against a Pakistani Muslim. Steve has covered Zac’s father before. He has two full siblings. Sister Jemima married the whitest man in Pakistan ( … Continue reading

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Should Israel & Australia Take Syrian Refugees?

Link: I asked the head of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry why he thinks Australia ought to accept 12,000 Syrian refugees but Israel 0. This is his response: “The size of Israel’s territory is less than one-third, of one … Continue reading

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