Monthly Archives: September 2015

Ann Coulter & The Jews

* I count only 6 ‘Trump, Big Loser’ stories on the @politico home page. They’re slacking off. (Mickey Kaus) * “There’s a momentary guilty hesitation, a tell, when Fox personalities (eg Megyn Kelly) gratuitously/insincerely say Rubio was a winner.” (Kaus) … Continue reading

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Immigration Is The Issue

Ann Coulter writes: Today, the fight in the Republican Party isn’t over abortion, guns or the Sandinistas; the dividing line is immigration. Will we continue to be the United States, or will we become another failed Latin American state? On … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter Tweets: How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?

Moshe Smith posts: “It may be true that the GOP candidates are too focused on Israel. . But once Coulter starts talking about F-ing Jews as if they are not full Americans, she crosses a line, and you shouldn’t cross … Continue reading

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Google: ‘Help refugees and migrants in urgent need. Google will match your donation.’

As I was searching for Ann Coulter’s Twitter feed, I encountered this message above from Google. I wonder if Google would ever donate to help host nation’s preserve themselves from Muslim invasion? I wish Google wasn’t subsidizing the Muslim invasion … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: NYT Caves in to Jewish Pressure to Geld Table of Useful Information on Iran Deal

Steve Sailer writes: Oren Kessler, by the way, is a deputy director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a neoconservative think tank dedicated to denouncing Israel’s enemies. Its biggest donor in 2001-2004 was subprime grifter Roland Arnall, one … Continue reading

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