Monthly Archives: September 2015

Steven Pinker: “Replicability Crisis in Psych DOESN’T Apply to IQ: Huge N’s, Replicable Results. But People Hate the Message.”

From Steve Sailer: Steven Pinker’s tweet makes the same point about the Replicability Crisis in psychology that I made recently: IQ research is almost boringly replicable. Pinker’s link directs us to the big International Society for Intelligence Research conference going … Continue reading

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The Unabomber Had Some Sharp Insights About Leftists

The Washington Post published his manifesto 20 years ago. Here is part of it: When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists … Continue reading

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The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter

Lee Smith, senior editor at the neo-con Weekly Standard writes: Ann Coulter’s ‘F—ing Jews’ Comment and The Degradation of American Political Discourse Ann Coulter went off the rails Wednesday night during the Republican presidential primary debate. Apparently angry that several … Continue reading

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Frost On Friday 1969 – Interview with Enoch Powell

Some choice Youtube comments: * Would you like to backdown? No. Would you like to backdown? No, not really no. Would you like to denounce your past colleagues? No. Would you like to renounce political heresy? No, back off! Totally … Continue reading

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The Sassoon Family Fortune Originated From Selling Opium To The Chinese

The greatest drug kingpin in history was an Orthodox Jew who attributed his business success to his careful observance of Jewish law. According to the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia entry on David Sassoon: “his business, which included a monopoly of the … Continue reading

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