Monthly Archives: September 2015

Las Vegas! Hire Two White Guys To Mow Your Lawn

Yelp Reviews: 2 White Guys 5806 Alfred Dr Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone number (702) 544-2355

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France Vs Germany

REPORT: “France is taking in as many refugees as we are in the district of Allgäu,” Horst Seehofer, the Christian Social Union (CSU) state premier of Bavaria, told the daily Passauer Neuen Presse. “That is selfish. When things get tough, … Continue reading

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Hungary’s Orbán cancels Merkel’s invitation

Christopher Caldwell writes: The big danger ever since this migration got underway is that it would get stopped up somewhere. The day after Germany closed its border with Austria, there were 20,000 migrants stuck in the Austrian villages of Nickelsdorf … Continue reading

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Muslim migrants threw 12 Christians overboard to their deaths because they were not praying to Allah when they asked God for help when their dinghy suffered a puncture

From DailyMail: When a rubber dinghy carrying around 100 African refugees across the Mediterranean began to sink, a Nigerian Christian prayed for his life in an innocent act that would end in the deaths of 12 fellow migrants. One of … Continue reading

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How To Deal With Illegal Immigrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If white Europeans are to survive in the coming centuries, as a distinctive ethny and not just as inclusion in someone else’s genome, then they must start electing unabashedly nationalist parties right NOW. Any delay, … Continue reading

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