Monthly Archives: September 2015

Philip Weiss: Coulter’s point is that Republicans pander on Israel to win donors, not voters

Philip Weiss writes September 17, 2015: Everyone is talking about one thing today, anti-immigrant activist Ann Coulter’s outburst on twitter during the Republican debate last night about the Israel pandering by the candidates. Salon characterizes it as anti-Semitic, and John … Continue reading

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Coulter and Kelly: The Real Issue

This Orthodox rabbi below finds a connection between Megyn Kelly’s insufficiently angry reaction to Ann Coulter’s Jews tweet Wednesday night and the Holocaust. By Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz: This may surprise you – I don’t give a fig about Colter’s remark. … Continue reading

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Jewish Activists Go All In To Crush Ann Coulter

They don’t bother making coherent arguments. They simply seek to destroy her. Fox News had Ann Coulter on right after the second GOP debate: I’ve been talking to various Jews about this controversy and this is a summary of what … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & The Jews

Many critics of Jews rejoiced in Ann Coulter’s Wednesday night tweets. I see the world as full of different groups with different interests. The pro-Israel crowd is sometimes pro-America but sometimes not. The pro-America crowd is sometimes pro-Israel but sometimes … Continue reading

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Forward: Ayatollah Agrees With Ann Coulter on Republicans’ Israel Obsession

Here’s a classic smear you’ll often hear around your Shabbos table — guilt by non-association. Making logical sense is not the point. Getting angry and outraged and intimidating your critics is the point. In a reference to the Republican … Continue reading

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