Monthly Archives: September 2015

Steve Sailer: Q. Is Obama a Muslim? A. He Was Raised to be a Muslimist

Steve Sailer writes: The President of the United States has long claimed to be a believing Christian. For many years, he trumpeted his decades of theological tutelage under his spiritual adviser Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright has made clear that, … Continue reading

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Numerous Outlets Are Writing Articles About JWR Possibly Dropping Ann Coulter’s Column must be enjoying its moment in the sun but whether or not the website runs Ann’s column has no significance. It won’t decrease Ann Coulter’s readership. From the Daily Beast: But the founder of Jewish World Review, an online … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & Donald Trump

Ruthie Blum writes for The Jerusalem Post: It is no wonder that Coulter feels an affinity for Trump, who never admits he’s wrong and does not apologize for overstepping the bounds of bad taste. There is a reason they get … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘After her Twitter tirade criticizing alleged Republican pandering to U.S. Jews, Coulter’s column at the conservative Jewish World Review is under threat’

Ann Coulter must be shaking in her boots that might drop her column. If I were her, I would not bother responding to those websites threatening to drop her. She doesn’t need them. Why should she defend herself? Her … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & The Jews II

From After awhile, it gets pretty exhausting to still feel offended by what Ann Coulter says, and that is exactly what she seems to be counting on; a war of attrition against those who will be offended. Coulter churns … Continue reading

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