Monthly Archives: September 2015

After Diversity

From Chateau Heartiste: Diversity™ erodes the nation-state through invidious psy op mechanisms. You are soothed into a comfort bubble of warm altruistic feels, and then one day you wake up to find yourself robbed blind and left in the street … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Needs To Move To The Comfort Phase Of His Seduction Of The American Voter

From Chateau Heartiste: Under the classic Game model of picking up girls, Trump has passed through all three stages of the Attraction phase of his seduction of the American voter. – He has approached the people and opened them. – … Continue reading

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Jezebel Essay: Why I Quit My Dream Newspaper Job After Four Months

I challenge you to try to finish this whine by Devon Maloney. Or you could just look at her picture and get the same idea. Of course, there were red flags: that nine-month interview process, for one; the fact that … Continue reading

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Nuclear Contamination At Brandeis-Bardin Institute

I heard a KNBC TV reporter say on Take Two today that Brandeis Bardin has radiation contamination, that he went to the Jewish camp, that he recently contacted the Jewish institution, they said they had tested everything and it was … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: What Plans Should America Have Ready to Stymie a Camp of the Saints Here?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think this Australian idea of paying Cambodia to take boat people a superb idea. Win-win. If the boaters are that desperate they should be happy, Cambodia makes money. Would be migrants get sent a … Continue reading

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