Monthly Archives: September 2015

What Kind Of Women Cheat?

Study: Women who wear the pants in the relationship are more likely to cheat: The imbalance of power in the primary relationship has been associated with infidelity. Edwards and Booth (1976) found that wives who reported that they “get their … Continue reading

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Men & Women Are Different

Study: Men are more: – Dominant – Reserved – Utilitarian – Vigilant – Rule-conscious – Emotionally stable While women are more: – Deferential – Warm – Trusting – Sensitive – Emotionally “reactive”

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What About America’s Security?

Link: Barack Obama, June 4, 2008 (via Mangan’s): Now let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. . . . Any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a jewish state, with secure, recognized, … Continue reading

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Women Who Can’t Compete

From the Chateau: Women who can’t compete with the most desired women, or who fall tantalizingly short of competing, or who once competed by now no longer do, must get some kind of deep, ego-sparing emotional satisfaction by telling themselves … Continue reading

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IQ And Doing Dumb Things

Blog: Once there were 3 classes of birds of a feather: Dumb birds, Smart birds and Genius birds. There was also a genius bird of a different feather hanging around. All summer the genius bird of a different feather went … Continue reading

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