Monthly Archives: September 2015

Jewish Values At Heart Of Immigration Reform

I went to the and put “immigration” in the search function and got these edifying results (not one I have found yet advocates immigration restriction): Jewish values at heart of immigration reform | Cover Story | Jewish … Jewish … Continue reading

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Jews & Immigration

David emails: Your blog is one of the must-reads on my RSS feed. I am Jewish and I am horrified by the American Jewish establishment’s open embrace of a policy of unrestricted invasion of our country (and, indeed, all Western … Continue reading

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How Do You Measure Illegal Aliens?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Water consumption would be a useful tool to guesstimate total population in a given area over a given period of time as one could exclude new water hookups from the data to see if usage/per … Continue reading

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The Post Divorce David Brooks Turn To Feel Good Oprahism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Brooks’s basic template is always ethnonationism for Israel, multi-culti for everyone else. More immigrants for the US helps break down the WASP establishment, which long ago was kind of skeptical about what Israel would do … Continue reading

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The Glories Of Japan’s Slow Growth

Comments: * It’s about “Who, whom?” as usual. Foreign investors i.e. American hedge funds, banks, etc. don’t like Japan because Japan’s real estate and financial markets have been flat. That’s what’s meant by “lost decade”. It’s not that it’s been … Continue reading

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