Monthly Archives: September 2015

Using Education To Develop Civilization

Robert Weisberg writes: For over a half century government has spent billions to eliminate the race-related academic achievement gap and all to no avail. Paralleling this educational failure has been a similar frustration to reverse the pathologies plaguing the black … Continue reading

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Goodbye America


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Rabbi’s Same Sex Wedding ceremonies


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From Breitbart: Pope Francis is urging America to throw open her borders to thousands of impoverished migrants, in part to atone for the “sins” of the colonial era. “We must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. … Continue reading

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Open Letter To Out Of The Closet Rabbi

David Benkoff writes: Dear Rabbi Gil Steinlauf: You sure made a splash yesterday when, as the senior rabbi of Adas Israel (the largest Conservative synagogue in Washington DC) you announced that you are divorcing your wife and coming out as … Continue reading

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