Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Merits Of The Free Market

Chaim Amalek: “Yes. And this is why whites who base their politics on free market economics have simply been digging their own graves for over a generation. Look at the ultra orthodox Jews of Brooklyn and environs. Do you imagine … Continue reading

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The Muslims Next Door

Good liberal Jewish friends of mine are not happy about Muslims moving next door. My friends stand for same-sex marriage and tolerance and civil rights, but they’re not thrilled with Muslims because Muslims embody an anti-liberal attitude. My friends say: … Continue reading

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Japan Struggles With A Lack Of Diversity

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Japan is also plagued by a lack of Islamic terrorism. * A few years ago the United Nations Development Programme sponsored a study looking at which nations were expected to have the best improvement in … Continue reading

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Do White Girls Like Black Guys?

Asking girls questions like this is silly because they tend to say whatever they think will be popular with their peer group. Women aren’t usually known for their rugged non-conformity.

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1960s Black Activist Complains BLM Movement Lacks Discipline

The Civil Rights revolution in America in the 1960s set off a giant crime wave. Many of the 1960s activists may have been non-violent, but the reform they pushed destroyed black life and non-black life with rampant crime and dysfunction. … Continue reading

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