Monthly Archives: August 2015

Steve Sailer: NYT Dumbfounded by Higher Suspension Rate of Black Students

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The idea that they’re not devoting enough time to raising awareness about racism at a school of education is gut-bustingly funny. My ex-wife described having to listen to hours and hours of lectures about racism, … Continue reading

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Is Donald Trump Cool?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Rex Weiner wrote an article for High Times in the 1970s called “The ABCs of How to be Cool.” Here are excerpts of some of the attributes that fit Trump. Attitude: If you’re absolutely convinced … Continue reading

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Gay Rights & The State Department

Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi writes: But even as the dust begins to settle the New York Times is reporting on a new existential crisis: same-sex marriages in the Foreign Service explored in an article entitled “State Department Fights for Rights … Continue reading

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Has Israel’s Relationship With America Been Shaken Over The Iran Deal?

Has Israel’s prime minister over-reached? Have certain Jews over-reached in protesting the Iran deal? Have they done irreparable damage to Israel’s security by damaging its relationship with America? Uri Avnery writes: All Israelis agree that the one supreme asset Israel … Continue reading

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LAT: Reports of sexual harassment by Metro commuters could hinder efforts to boost ridership

Los Angeles Times: “Although six in 10 Metro passengers are Latino, black passengers reported the highest rates of indecent exposure, physical contact and harassment overall.” I wonder how much of what happens on LA Metro mirrors the rest of life? … Continue reading

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