Monthly Archives: August 2015

Donald Trump Still Right About Mexican Rapists

Ann Coulter writes: There’s a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture that doesn’t exist in even the most dysfunctional American ghettoes. When it comes to child rape, the whole family gets involved. (They are family-oriented!) In a 2011 … Continue reading

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Who Won The Debate?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I wish the questions were not so ‘inside the Beltway’ stuff but what are you going to get from media personalities who live ‘inside the Beltway’. Does anyone really think Americans are really worked up … Continue reading

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NYT: Soul-Searching in Israel After Bias Attacks on Gays and Arabs

I suspect most Israelis are not terribly bothered by bias attacks on gays and Arabs. Most Israelis, like most Americans, don’t particularly care for parading gays and Arabs. A healthy society cares most about building up and strengthening its core … Continue reading

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Highlights From Chateau Heartiste

From the great blog: * “Look, Secret Service always had a mystique about them. Looking good and being fit. Physical appearances mean something. Female director, whatever. She wasn’t attractive, she was overweight and [governmental and public affairs chief] Jane [Murphy] … Continue reading

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Make America Alpha Again

Roissy: “Prediction: Donald Trump will take Steve Sailer’s advice for the Republicans and make a concerted effort to appeal to White men voters. The rest of the Republican field, on cue, will cuck their way to irrelevancy.”

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