Monthly Archives: August 2015

What’s Ahead For Africa?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Millions of hardy and very much still functional Kalashnikovs out there in Africa and millions and millions of young men seeing how much better things could be… what could possible go wrong? I foresee plenty … Continue reading

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How Do Police Subdue Nasty Strong Men?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * As I recall, Rodney King was Tasered twice, but still rushed one of the LAPD officers, which led to the baton strikes. He was lucky he was not shot multiple times. The problem with less-lethal … Continue reading

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IN SEARCH OF HUMAN NATURE: The Decline and Revival of Darwinism in American Social Thought By Carl N. Degler

Richard A. Shweder wrote in the New York Times in 1991: Anyone who has lived long enough in the social sciences has seen the nature-nurture pendulum swing: from nature in the first decades of the century, to nurture in the … Continue reading

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The Coup Is Coming II

A few months ago, I wrote that the coup is coming. Here are comments to Steve Sailer: * It is rapidly becoming clearer that the Constitutional system of checks and balances has broken down, leaving the President free to do … Continue reading

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Racial Reality And The New Orleans Nightmare

By Steve Sailer on September 3, 2005 at 12:00am It was the Perfect Storm. No, not Hurricane Katrina. That could have been much worse. Back in the 1990s, my friend Rob Brennan wrote an unpublished novel called Category 5 about … Continue reading

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