Monthly Archives: August 2015

Paul Gottfried On The Republican Debate

Paul writes: Cutting to the chase, however, what made the Thursday night spectacle worth watching, in between talking to a relative over the phone, was how the Fox-news team worked to drive Donald Trump out of the race. Ever since … Continue reading

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White Feminism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: White feminism? But Jewish feminism is the most privileged. And modern feminism has been shaped by Jewish and lesbian feminists. But of course, talking about ‘Jewish feminism’ would be ‘antisemitic’ whereas blaming white women for everything … Continue reading

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Observer: In Modern Ukraine, People of Color Need Not Apply

REPORT: “Attacks on dark-skinned visitors and Aryan-only pools reveal post-Maidan Ukraine still has some maturing to do” Chaim Amalek: “Same thing was happening in China just before Tiananmen Square. It is what racially conscious, nationalistic people do.” When people grow … Continue reading

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The Chinese Exclusion Act

REPORT: “The Chinese Exclusion Act, a federal law in effect from 1882 to 1943, prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States.” Chaim Amalek Fewer opportunities for them meant more opportunities for the rest of us. Chaim Amalek … Continue reading

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NYT: Reporting From Iran, Jewish Paper Sees No Plot to Destroy Israel

Larry Cohler-Esses is the best reporter on Jewish life and the Forward does much of its best journalism. The New York Times reports: The first journalist from an American Jewish pro-Israel publication to be given an Iranian visa since 1979 … Continue reading

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