Monthly Archives: August 2015

Colin Flaherty vs. YouTube

By Colin Flaherty YouTube sent me an email the other day saying it was putting me on notice for violating its Terms of Service and that I would not be allowed to post new videos for two weeks. The reason: … Continue reading

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Confessions Of A Public Defender II

Chateau Heartiste: …the buzzy AmRen article titled “Confessions of a Public Defender” is a harrowing read, and provokes some illicit thought about where we are heading demographically. The impression one gets from this titillating exposure to the minds and values … Continue reading

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Who Do Some Men Marry Older Women?

Chateau Heartiste: The younger man was a beta male to the core. This is the explanation for 90% of younger man-older woman marriages. You take a lesser beta with little experience bedding women, add an older, sexually aggressive broad with … Continue reading

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The Destructive Clergy Flowing From R. Avi Weiss’s Yeshivot

I notice that many of the Orthodox Jewish clergy joining the “Black Lives Matter” campaign come from the yeshivot of R. Avi Weiss, such as Chovevei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat. Why I Was Arrested in St. Louis August 13, 2015 … Continue reading

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The Sharing Economy Depends Upon Social Trust

Homogeneous white and asian communities have high social trust. By contrast, racial diversity destroys trust. Most people prefer their own kind. The sharing economy (Uber, AirBNB, etc) depend upon social trust. They simply won’t work well with low IQ people … Continue reading

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