Monthly Archives: August 2015

‘The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality’

From Chateau Heartiste: Feminists, in other words, nurture a fantasy that by sheer force of blather they can remake the sexual market to suit their every whim and desire while curtailing to the maximum extent possible any romantic choice enjoyed … Continue reading

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White Life Is A Parade Of Humiliation

From Chateau Heartiste: Like the tactics of totalitarian communism before it, anti-white ideology thrives in part by its inquisitors visiting upon the victims an endless succession of humiliations. It’s not enough to propagandize with lies; the subject must be coerced … Continue reading

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Study: Men Cheat More Because They Have Higher Sex Drives

(Medical Xpress)—A recently published study strongly suggests men succumb to sexual temptations more than women—for example, cheating on a partner—because they experience strong sexual impulses, not because they have weak self-control. Previous research has shown that men are more likely … Continue reading

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How To Deal With Bitch Game

From Chateau Heartiste: Another countermeasure to manipulative bitch game is radio silence. If you don’t respond to her incitement to jealousy at all, the next time you and her meet she’ll be chin-deep in hamster turds wondering what you’re thinking … Continue reading

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Short Emails Show Higher Status

From Chateau Heartiste: …and the advice in this article to emulate the email habits of successful businessmen: Want to get ahead? Emulate the super-successful and never send a long email. […] “For various reasons, short emails are more associated with … Continue reading

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