Monthly Archives: August 2015

When Women Hit The Wall

From Chateau Heartiste: The Wall, for those new readers unfamiliar with the term, is the moment in time, measured in age, when a woman’s sexual attractiveness, following years of asymptotic approach, finally hits absolute zero. To put it less turgidly, … Continue reading

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Should Jews Oppose Trump’s Immigration Plans?

The Donald Trump phenomenon cannot be controlled and this type of populism makes elites nervous. Chaim Amalek: “Identity is more important than globalism and free markets. For decades though, whites deluded themselves into thinking their identity as whites did not … Continue reading

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One Day The Goyim Will Awake

From Chateau Heartiste: “One day, the wronged part of white America will notice the boot on its face. How they’ll respond, is anyone’s guess. Perhaps they’ll have learned to love being ground to dust. Or perhaps they’ll shed their inertia, … Continue reading

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Why are women drawn to men behind bars?

Chateau Heartiste: “It’s informative to compare and contrast the rationalizing behavior of women with law-abiding betas and alpha killers. Women have no trouble, no trouble at all, believing negative things about their beta hubbies, and will often go to great … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s F-Bombs

Dennis Prager writes May 3, 2011: The following comments were made in a public speech last week by a man considering running for president of the United States. On gas prices: “We have nobody in Washington that sits back and … Continue reading

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