Monthly Archives: August 2015

Donald Trump & The Jews

Peter Brimelow writes: I mused recently about whether Donald Trump’s ardent Zionism, converted daughter and Jewish grandchildren would save him from the type of unscrupulous smear campaign directed at Pat Buchanan and, as I suspected, the answer is no: The … Continue reading

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Is Trump The HBD Candidate?

HBD stands for Human BioDiversity. I think it was a movement named and started by Steve Sailer. John Derbyshire writes about the following Donald Trump quote: [I] went to a great school … excellent student … smart guy … My … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Types Of Morality

The white guy, Chris Borland, was appalled by this approach. Washington Post: Cris Carter delivered a curious message to players at the NFL’s 2014 rookie symposium, an annual event for incoming players: If you do the crime, be sure someone … Continue reading

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Rabbi Simcha Weinberg Is Up To His Old Tricks

Why would a sane woman seek spiritual counseling from a predatory rabbi? According to Rabbi Simcha Weinberg’s website (, he offers: Maimonides defines a true rabbi as a “Soul Doctor”. The Foundation Stone provides just such care through Spiritual Counseling. … Continue reading

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How Can I Show Her That Judaism Welcomes Lesbians?

“This year is the first time my new non-Jewish daughter-in-law will be spending the high holidays with us. She and my daughter will be coming up from New York City…” From the Forward: Going into an unfamiliar religious environment can … Continue reading

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