Monthly Archives: August 2015

Date Rape

F. Roger Devlin writes: A few years into the sexual revolution, shocking reports began to appear of vast numbers of young women—from one quarter to half—being victims of rape. Shock turned to bewilderment when the victims were brought forward to … Continue reading

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Without Immigration, Japanese Living Standards Rise

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Paul Krugman has often noted Japan’s economic performance is not too bad when you adjust for its declining and aging population. His position, which I agree with, is that Japan’s gigantic, very-low-interest-debt-financed infrastructure building spree … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Upsets The Apple Cart

John Derbyshire writes: Donald Trump has single-handedly upset the applecart of official blather about immigration, the style of diction that Steve Sailer has called, quote, “comically mercenary fraud covered up by pious cant.” The apples are rolling all over the … Continue reading

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A New Dissident Right Taking Shape In France And America

Paul Gottfried writes: There’s an important connection between political firestorms on opposite sides of the Atlantic—the rise of Donald Trump and the“cuckservative” controversy fascinating the American Right; and the recent claim by the French National Front that they support the … Continue reading

Posted in Conservatives, Donald Trump, France, Jews, Republicans | Comments Off on A New Dissident Right Taking Shape In France And America

LAT: Group of black women kicked off Napa wine train after laughing too loud

Different groups have different norms. Most people prefer to be around their own kind. Los Angeles Times: The Napa Valley Wine Train is apologizing to a group of black women who were kicked off the train Saturday for reportedly laughing … Continue reading

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