Monthly Archives: July 2015

Two Muslims Kill A German Medical Student

Comment to Steve Sailer: * Two Albanian Muslim twins, no schooling worth speaking of, repeat offenders, killed a German female medical student by reckless driving. They changed seats afterwards so the younger, under-aged could take the blame if needed, that … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t There More Female Directors?

Steve Sailer writes: “…when the New York Times runs articles demanding to know why aren’t there more successful women movie directors and screenwriters, one reason is because a promising writer-director, actress Adrienne Shelly, was murdered in 2006 at age 40, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: I Guess Jeb Bush Won’t be Speaking at Kathryn Steinle’s Funeral Either

Steve Sailer writes: It’s starting to seem like Jeb’s entire run for the Presidency is intended to prove conclusively to everybody who ever doubted his choice of wife that he was right and they were wrong, that marrying a Mexican … Continue reading

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Stalin’s Willing Executioners

Sever Plocker writes for YNETNews: We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of … Continue reading

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Do Jews Control The Media?

What do you think of the phrase, “Jews control the media”? Here’s one Jew who says we should stop denying it and just embrace it and accept the responsibility that comes with great power. By Manny Friedman July 12, 2012 … Continue reading

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