Monthly Archives: July 2015

‘Killer King’ Hospital Reopens

I’m shocked that hospital named for Martin Luther King would have competency issues. LA TIMES: Some critics of the old medical center have long-held memories of its failures, even as they hold out hope for the new MLK Community Hospital. … Continue reading

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Jews are a powerless people and they aren’t afraid to use it on anyone who says differently

Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman write: …But what must they have thought looking down from Hebraic-Hellenic heaven in 2010 when Greek Orthodox Bishop Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus said on Greek television that Jews “control the international banking system,”… No … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Ta-Nehisi Coates Finds His Body Fascinating, Is Sure Everybody Else Does, Too

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Ta is a pretty terrible writer, and I suspect he is thoroughly edited to get as readable as he is. To get a sense of Ta’s intellect, watch the bloggingheads he did with McWhorter. It’s … Continue reading

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Stephen Fry and Professor Green want men to open up about their biggest worries

For Mental Health Awareness Week, a number of prominent male figures have joined a campaign to encourage men to open up about their darkest fears

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The Truth Will Live

J.* emails: Recently I came across an online personality who goes by the name The Truth Will Live with whom you’ve done a number of interviews, and I wanted to thank you for having those frank, honest discussions about the … Continue reading

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