Monthly Archives: July 2015

How To Deal With Israelis

Chaim Amalek: I wonder if they have something like this for working with other nationalities. Luke Ford: We could get rich writing such! Chaim Amalek: “How to deal with people from Haiti.” Chaim Amalek: “How to work with Romani chip … Continue reading

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High Investment Parenting

It blows my mind as a convert from Anglo to Orthodox Judaism how much Jews invest in their kids and in their families and in their kin and in their group. Anglos don’t make such dramatic in-group/out-group distinctions and they … Continue reading

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Our Lot: How Real Estate Came to Own Us

Steve Sailer writes: Our Lot: How Real Estate Came to Own Us by Alyssa Katz, a liberal journalist and NYU journalism professor who writes for Mother Jones, is the best book yet on how the sacred cause of “diversity” merged … Continue reading

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It’s Hard To Ignore Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Trump is pretty hard to ignore–he’s been a huge media personality for decades. It’s unfortunate that “a calm, rational immigration patriot like Tom Tancredo” is completely ignored, but maybe that’s because his presentation is so … Continue reading

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Iran vs Israel

David Hazony posts on FB: Pop quiz: Which of the following is most likely to be true: (a) The Iranian regime is increasing its hateful rhetoric because, in the event of a historic reconciliation with the West, they want to … Continue reading

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