Monthly Archives: July 2015

Atlantic: “How Chicago Is Trying to Integrate Its Suburbs”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Living in a “good” zip code dramatically improves kids’ chances of going to college, getting a good job, and escaping poverty.” Yes zip codes commit crimes, not actual people. If you drop off 40 thousand … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Segregated Neighborhood Fights Threat of Integration

Steve Sailer writes: “With the Obama Administration planning to liberate urban blacks from their ghettos isolated away from job centers by forcing suburbs and exurbs to build affordable housing for them, it’s worth studying one such virtually all-black neighborhood in … Continue reading

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Sexual Partner Divorce Risk

REPORT: “It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption.” All the rest is commentary.

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What Open Marriage Taught One Man About Feminism

Michael Sonmore writes: Before my wife started sleeping with other men, I certainly considered myself a feminist, but I really only understood it in the abstract. When I quit working to stay at home with the kids, I began to … Continue reading

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Using Affirmative Action To Hire More Black Police Massively Increases Crime & Corruption

How has affirmative action for blacks and latinos worked out in general? Why would any society want competent police in the first place? John Lott writes: Will increasing the number of minority and women police officers make law enforcement more … Continue reading

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