Monthly Archives: July 2015

Lifting up the lazy, shiftless and criminally inclined

Robert Weissberg writes: Americans seem to have an irrepressible urge to uplift the bottom—the lumpenproletariat, to use a fancy word– no matter how daunting the mission. The federal government has spent billions since the mid-1960s (e.g., AmeriCorps) with scant success. … Continue reading

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Obama’s Plan To Desegregate America’s Suburbs

Stanley Kurtz writes: It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to … Continue reading

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Cincinnati Police Kill 43yo Black Man With 13 Kids, 60 Arrests

FROM CNN: Cincinnati police are investigating the fatal shooting of an apparently unarmed black man by a University of Cincinnati police officer after a confrontation during a traffic stop Sunday. The dead man, who was shot in the head, was … Continue reading

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The Call Of The Genes

My relatives at my Aunty Linda’s 80th birthday party.

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Jacob Fetman vs Aish NY

A source emails: With regards to the allegations against Jacob Fetman, an attorney familiar with the case points out that Justice Demarest in her decision to confirm Rabbi Cohen’s award of $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars), made it clear that she … Continue reading

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