Monthly Archives: July 2015

Incarceration Is Often The Best Answer

If people can’t handle their money/sex/alcohol/drugs/ etc, incarceration is usually the best answer to protect the community. Addicts not in recovery are a menace to themselves and to others. * A friend will no longer go to this 12-step meeting … Continue reading

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Blacks & Latinos Are Never Going To Vote Republican

Blacks and latinos in general are never going to vote Republican because they consistently reside at the lowest ends of the socio-economic spectrum and want the maximum of government assistance. They’re never going to move up the spectrum because of … Continue reading

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2015 Interracial Murders

This graphic lumps Hispanics with whites and only runs through 2008.

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Would You Invite Amalek To Your Shabbos Table?

A frum friend just invited me to bring Chaim Amalek to Shabbos lunch. I said he’ll come for dessert so long as the home is Amalek-friendly. Chaim Amalek: “Is the dessert uber-glatt Kosher? What are the midos and tznius of … Continue reading

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How To Spot Bad People

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Here are five biographical questions which can eliminate, IMO, 95% of bad people (based on my experience and seeing patterns): Did he or she grow up in a two-parent household? Are his or her parents … Continue reading

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