Monthly Archives: July 2015

What’s Behind The ‘Cuckservative’ Slur? (NSFW)

Daily Caller: “By supporting immigration reform, criminal justice reform, etc., a white conservative is therefore surrendering his honor and masculinity (and it won’t be long before his women folk are compromised, as well!). A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor. … Continue reading

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Sexist Men Do Better With Women

From Chateau Heartiste: Sexist men are socioeconomic winners and sociosexual winners. Women LOVE LOVE LOVE men who scoff at feminist poopytalk. Now, this is not an endorsement of the 12-year-old boy variety of hostility to women. The sexist adult men … Continue reading

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Pablo Escobar, The Drug Lord

I’m enjoying this show on Netflix, but like everything I’ve read about Colombia and Killing Pablo, it makes me not want Colombians in my country (except for a tiny elite). This show is a panorama of life where the average … Continue reading

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I Wish America Would Do This

Israel leads the way once again in serious governance. REPORT: Stone-throwers could be jailed for up to 20 years under a controversial new law passed by Israeli MPs. The new legislation – supported by Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government – was … Continue reading

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