Monthly Archives: July 2015

Can A Small Group Dominate The World?

Steve Sailer writes: Academic historians dislike the concept that history is often made by groups of individuals plotting together in confidence, even though one obvious way to get big things done is to make plans with your friends and allies … Continue reading

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Who Needs Standardized Tests?

Comment to Steve Sailer: University makes submission of standardized test-scores “optional” for applicants. It seems likely this game will catch on if, as expected, the Supreme Court’s decision to re-take the University of Texas case results in a ruling against … Continue reading

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Should American Black Be Grateful That Whites Fought A Civil War To Free Them?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Ta-Nehisi Coates–among many others–insists that the American Civil War was solely about slavery. I haven’t read enough Civil War history to know whether that’s the case. One of the things that puzzles me about that … Continue reading

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Why Didn’t Boston Bid For The 2024 Olympics?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Boston did not have a facility problem as much as it has a logistics problem. Under ideal conditions, getting around eastern Mass is unpleasant. Holding big events like a convention can make daily life unbearable. … Continue reading

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How Israel’s Wars Hurt Diaspora Jews

As Israel is the Jewish state, how could Jews around the world not become targets of those who dislike the behavior of Israel? The behavior of Jews and of the Jewish state profoundly affects how Jews are treated by non-Jews. … Continue reading

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