Monthly Archives: June 2015

Too Smart For The Irish

Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says: “I was in public school for one year. I was a wild kid. The teacher told my mother, “Your son is too bright for the Irish kids, the Italian kids. Send him to a [Jewish] day … Continue reading

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Can Orangutans Exist With Humans?

A fair question is if various types of humans can live with each other in peace. Report: The struggle between the various players is nuanced and complex, and, for outsiders, often difficult to understand. To local farmers and other people … Continue reading

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R. Abraham Cooper: To defeat ISIS we must convince Twitter, YouTube to ‘unfriend’ terrorists

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes: Leveraging social network giants like Twitter and YouTube, the group paints a seductive picture of a heroic movement, sanctioned by Allah himself, to punish and expel the infidels. ISIS, Al Shabab, Al Qaeda and their ilk … Continue reading

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Are Orthodox Jews Gaming The System?

Jay Michaelson writes in 2013: Call them what you will — ultra-Orthodox Jews, “fervently Orthodox” Jews, Haredim, black hats. They will soon become the majority of affiliated Jews in the metropolitan New York area, and the religious majority in Israel. … Continue reading

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How Come The Jewish Community Doesn’t Issue Proclamations About Mass Killings By Blacks?

On the front page of the today the main focus is the killing of nine blacks by a white man in South Carolina: “Jewish community reacts to the Charleston shooting” Yet when I search for “Jewish community reacts to” … Continue reading

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