Monthly Archives: June 2015

Propagandizing Race Cuckoldry

From Heartiste: Reader chris wonders if IT’S HAPPENING. New TV show for kids on nickelodeon’s promotes race cuckoldry. The official twitter page for it admits to it by implication of their favourites. This shit is really happening. Here’s … Continue reading

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Why Do We Call Black Stars By Their First Names?

Over a year ago, I wrote a blog post entitled, “Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities?” I’m watching KABC TV News this afternoon and this bloke Rob Fukuzaki does the sports capably enough, but he has no charisma. According to … Continue reading

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Who’s Brother Nathanael?

I don’t think there’s anyone on Youtube who matches Brother Nathanael for hatred of Jews, Jewish conspiracy theories, and total views. Ironically, Brother Nathanael was born Jewish. Just by looking at him, you’d never guess anything was wrong. Modern Orthodox … Continue reading

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Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities

Fjordman of Norway writes in 2006: We have seen videos on TV of Muslim Jihadis beheading infidel hostages. Less attention has been paid to the fact that Muslims are beheading entire nation states. Although this is happening in slow motion, … Continue reading

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‘Mr. Vasquez does not want Jews to die in preventable fires. Therefore, he is a bigot.’

Failed Messiah reports: Evan Bernstein, the head of the ADL’s New York region, Evan Bernstein, complained about a campaign video released by the Republican Party in support of the candidacy of Richard Vasquez for Rockland County sheriff: “We find the … Continue reading

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