Monthly Archives: June 2015

You Get Fired For Telling The Truth

New York Times: LONDON — A Nobel laureate has resigned as honorary professor at University College London after saying that female scientists should be segregated from male colleagues because women cry when criticized and are a romantic distraction in the … Continue reading

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Blog: OU Featured “Sauna Bonder” Rosenblatt at Rabbinic Mentoring Events

From Frum Follies: Apparently, Executive VP Steven Weil thought otherwise when he organized the very first such event for the OU in February during the time between May 2008 when he was slated for the OU job and when he … Continue reading

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Should We Criminalize Criticism Of Jews & The Jewish State?

There’s nothing evil about Arabs and Muslims and other groups trying to replace the Jewish state of Israel with a state more to their liking. No country or people have a right to exist. As Michael Scheuer wrote: “This writer … Continue reading

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NYT: For Michelle Obama, Talking About Race and Achievement, and Making It Personal

Peter Baker writes for the New York Times: CHICAGO — She looked around and saw herself three decades ago, young and uncertain, from a part of town where success is a struggle, not a birthright. She knew what they had … Continue reading

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Miami Herald: Miami-Dade schools remove principal after his post about police controversy

Report: The principal of North Miami Senior High School inadvertently injected himself into the racially charged national debate over police treatment of blacks with a social media comment — and it wound up costing him his position at the school. … Continue reading

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