Monthly Archives: May 2015

This Got On The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s ‘Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs” for 2010’

Christina Patterson writes: When I first moved to Stamford Hill, I didn’t realise that goyim were about as welcome in Hasidic Jewish shops as Martin Luther King at a Klu Klux Klan convention. I would like to teach some of … Continue reading

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Britain’s top rabbi warns against multiculturalism

AP 2007: Multiculturalism promotes segregation, stifles free speech and threatens liberal democracy, Britain’s top Jewish official warned in extracts from his book published Saturday. Jonathan Sacks, Britain’s chief rabbi, defined multiculturalism as an attempt to affirm Britain’s diverse communities and … Continue reading

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Three jihads: Islamic, Christian, and Jewish

From JewishNews in England: An editorial in a renowned academic journal has been branded “blatant anti-Semitism” after it claimed the Holocaust is used to justify “Jewish extremism” and compared foreign jihadists to British Jews fighting in the IDF. Writing about … Continue reading

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Israel Ethiopian Protests

Nowhere in the coverage do I read the elementary facts that Ethiopians have average IQs of about 70 and that this low IQ predicts problems. As I wrote more than a year ago: “Is Israel Better Off For The Presence … Continue reading

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De Blasio’s Welfare-Reform Reversal

A friend says: “Whenever a progressive invokes the word “broken”, run and duck under a desk like a kid in a nuclear war test drill in the 1950s. Cause this time, it’s coming.” Fred Siegel writes: Mayor Bill de Blasio … Continue reading

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