Monthly Archives: May 2015

Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History by Marc B. Shapiro II

I love this new book. Here are the spicy bits: * Aaron Wertheimer censored a passage in midrash “that discussed the sexual activity of the righteous in the world to come.” (Changing the Immutable, pg. 80) * The Conservative prayer … Continue reading

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Jewish Race Realist – ‘I Defied Nazis, Now I Defy Leftists’

From Wikipedia: Hans Jürgen Eysenck (/ˈaɪzɛŋk/; 4 March 1916 – 4 September 1997) was a psychologist born in Germany, who spent his professional career in Great Britain. He is best remembered for his work on intelligence and personality, though he … Continue reading

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I Love Israel’s New Justice Minister

I’d love to marry a woman like this! * “Don’t talk. Let’s do action.” (Ayelet Shaked) * “If you get into emotions, then it disturbs your work. Sometimes you focus on what’s less important and not the main thing.” (Ayelet … Continue reading

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Israel’s New Justice Minister

NYT: “For Ms. Shaked, a former computer engineer, the main thing is “to strengthen the Jewish identity” of Israel…” “That translates, in policy terms, into promoting Israeli annexation of most of the occupied West Bank and ousting African asylum-seekers. It … Continue reading

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The Evolution of One Person’s Views on Racial Differences in Intelligence

By Lawrence Auster February 1995 With the publication of The Bell Curve, we see the fascinating phenomenon of mainstream journalists and intellectuals wrestling, most of them for the first time, with the uncomfortable facts about race differences in intelligence. While … Continue reading

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